Diablo 2 lod respec character
Diablo 2 lod respec character

  • However, their hireling skills are some of the best hireling buffs you can get in the game.
  • diablo 2 lod respec character

    Unlike the Rogues in Act I, these Desert Mercenaries can only utilize melee attacks. Greiz: This mercenary captain will hire out spear-wielding soldiers when he's not busy guarding the entrance to the sewers.

    diablo 2 lod respec character

    You never have to speak to him if you don't want to. Geglash: The town drunk, Geglash can be found in Atma's pub. She's the all-in-one item seller in Lut Gholein, offering a large assortment of powerful weaponry and armor, as well as acting as the town's blacksmith. He also allows you to gamble merchandise just like Gheed.įara: This former Paladin will heal you when you speak to her. Elzix: One of the innkeepers in Lut Gholein, he'll sell weapons and armor comparable to the quality you could get from Gheed in the first Act.

    Diablo 2 lod respec character