Diablo 3 conquest boss mode
Diablo 3 conquest boss mode

  • Suppression also gives us another 3% hit chance.
  • Balance Druid with the Improved Faerie Fire talent or Shadow Priest with Misery increase our hit chance by 3%.
  • diablo 3 conquest boss mode

    For Alliance players, any Draenei grants 1% Hit to their party through Heroic Presence.Click here for a full tableĤ% Hit - 3/3 Suppression or Hit Debuff + Heroic Presenceħ% Hit - 3/3 Suppression + Hit Debuff + Heroic Presence You should typically gear for bosses, but it may be worthwhile to have a specialized setup for clearing trash.

    diablo 3 conquest boss mode

    Hit cap is determined by the level of the target, with level 83 raid bosses requiring +17% chance to Hit, whilst level 80 trash mobs require only +4%.

    Diablo 3 conquest boss mode