Click the Change link to make your ownership changes and note that you may have to provide administrative credentials to continue further.Īs you can see in Figure C, the system will then ask you to enter a valid username. Click the Advanced button to reach the screen where ownership may be changed ( Figure B). Click the Security tab to reveal the screen shown in Figure A.Īs you can see, I currently have full control over this file.
Right-click that file and then click the Properties item in the context menu. To start the change of ownership process, activate Windows File Explorer and navigate to the specific file or folder to be changed. SEE: 5G Research Report 2019: The enterprise is eager to adopt, despite cost concerns and availability (Tech Pro Research) Take ownership of a file or folder
This article updates Quick Tip: Take ownership of files and folders in Windows, which was published in January 2011. This how-to tutorial shows you how to take ownership of a file or folder in Microsoft Windows 10. The process can be completed by the current owner of a file or folder, or by an individual with proper system administration credentials. Changes in personnel and changes in project responsibility are just two examples when document ownership may have to be transferred. However, there are times, particularly within a dynamic business environment, when file or folder ownership must be changed to someone else. Must-read Windows coverageĭefend your network with Microsoft outside-in security services It is an important responsibility in a collaborative environment where many people may be required to access a specific document. Ownership grants you permissions power regarding who can access and modify that file or folder.
When you create a file or a folder in Microsoft Windows 10, you are designated the owner of that file or folder by default. For more info, visit our Terms of Use page. This may influence how and where their products appear on our site, but vendors cannot pay to influence the content of our reviews. We may be compensated by vendors who appear on this page through methods such as affiliate links or sponsored partnerships. How to change ownership of files and folders in Windows 10Ĭhanging file or folder ownership in Microsoft Windows 10 requires a deep dive into Properties Settings.